
Bootstrap 5.1.1 je tu

Bootstrap v5.1.1 stigao je s pregršt ispravki programskih pogrešaka i poboljšanjima dokumentacije. Nakon ovog izdanja, Bootstrap će isporučiti još jednu ispravku programske pogreške i ažuriranje dokumenata prije nego što pređe na dodatne nove značajke. Nastavite čitati za istaknute stavke.


  • Fixed broken .bg-body utility. This was caused by the same --body-rgb CSS variable for both text and background. --body-rgb is now split into --body-color-rgb and --body-bg-rgb for proper usage. While this could be considered a breaking change, the current implementation was outright broken, so Bootstrap team chosen to address this head-on.
  • All CSS dist builds now include _root.scss and all :root-level CSS variables. The goal here is consistency across the distribution files so that no matter what CSS build you use, you have the same level of customization potential.
  • Updated global options page to document $enable-smooth-scroll variable.
  • Added callout to the Stacks page about gap browser support with flexbox.
  • Cleaned up documentation and usage of disabled links, especially for <a> based buttons.
  • Fixed toggle between modal regression. See docs example.
  • Fixed regression in tooltips where content doesn’t update after the first show().
  • Fixed collapse toggle unintentionally hiding descendant tab panels.
  • Improved Alerts live example documentation.
  • Updated $dropdown-link-hover-color to modify the $dropdown-link-color instead of base $gray-900 variable for improved customization.
  • Clarified JavaScript import usage for our Webpack guide.

O Sass kompajlerima

Bootstrap tim je primio nekoliko obavjesti korisnika Visual Studija da se Sass kompajliranje za Bootstrap 5.1.0 pokvari pri korištenju Web Compiler extension. Ovo proširenje nije ažurirano više od pet godina, pa je preporuka prelazak na noviju alternativu. Neki su korisnici spomenuli Sass Compiler extension kao uspješnu alternativu. Ako imate dodatne preporuke, ostavite komentar za dijeljenje.

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Posjetite https://getbootstrap.com kako bi preuzeli najnoviju verziju. Ista je također dostupna putem npm-a:

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Pregledajte dnevnik izmjena izdanja GitHub v5.1.1 za potpuni popis promjena od zadnjeg izdanja Bootstrapa.

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